The Old Murray Cotton Ginn located on Ginn Street is currently not in operation, however, Monarch Land Developers recently presented the Mayor and Council with their plans for the future "Cotton Ginn Village of Brunson". As a part of their plans for the Cotton Ginn Village, they will be restoring the Ginn back to operating conditions and when finished, they will offer tours to individuals and groups. The tours will help to educate the young and old on how the Ginn operated back in the earlier days.

The Old Allen School is located on Broad Road. The school has not been in operation for some time now and is currently in poor condition. The town's Mayor is currently working towards obtaining this property to renovate, upgrade, and improve for a possible Community Center for the town. He is in hopes of obtaining grants to assist with the project once the property has been obtained. The town's Attorney, Mr. Kevin Brown, is assisting the town in trying to resolve the issues that stand in the way of the town being able to move forward with these plans.